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Kallyas Template
Monday, 02 January 2018 by

How Images Could Be Your Secret SEO Weapon

Jumpshot took a look at how online searches were most commonly conducted in 2016. What’s not surprising is that Google owned the majority of online search queries (with U.S. users, at least).

What is surprising, however, is that searches through Google Images were the second most popular type of search.

As such, I’d like to focus this discussion around Google Image search and how to use image SEO to boost your website’s presence there.

Kallyas Template
Monday, 02 January 2018 by

6 Ways Designers Can Avoid Infringing Intellectual Property Rights

As the managing attorney of a commercial law boutique practice, I am asked several times per week some variation of the following question:

How should I best protect my intellectual property from being stolen? Is it as simple as filling out a copyright or trademark application and paying a small fee to a do it yourself on-line service? Will that really provide sufficient protection?

What do you think?

I have set forth below a few of the many aspects of protecting your intellectual property in the United States that go beyond blindly filing such a copyright or trademark application. It is a complex area of the law, and this article does not address all of the potential issues. For example, intellectual property in the United States is protected not just by federal law (as one might expect), but in many cases, state-specific law applies (such as when dealing with trade secret or confidentiality agreements).

Kallyas Template
Monday, 02 January 2018 by

Monthly Web Development Update 2/2019: Web Authentication And The Problem With UX

The only constant in life is change, they say. And it’s true, even if we think nothing changes at all. Whether you notice change or not is only a question of how you perceive and how you observe things. In the tech industry, it’s easy to see how fast things evolve — read a summary article like this one, and you’ll suddenly become aware of how much has happened in just one month. Since I took up meditation again, I gained a new perspective, and it helps me to deliberately appreciate such change and find personal value and gratefulness even in things that didn’t seem particularly positive at first.

Like this week, for example. I was reminded of a fact we usually forget: how the Internet is structured. If you browse the web, most traffic is directed through Amazon at some point, so if you block their servers, — or Google’s or Apple’s, or all of them —, there’s not much left of the Internet. I have used a Pi-Hole DNS blocker in my network for three years now, but never really appreciated it, until I learned about its real value this week — the security and privacy it provides considering our dependency on tech giants. Isn’t it remarkable how a big part of my perceived online security relies on one piece of open-source software that the authors spent so much time and efforts on to provide it for free in the end?

Kallyas Template
Monday, 02 January 2018 by

Managing Image Breakpoints With Angular

As web developers, we are often required to create applications that are responsive as well as media-rich. Having such requirements in place means that we need to work with image breakpoints, as well as media queries since we want to provide the best experience to the end users. Adding to the list of requirements we may need to use a front-end framework such as Angular which is great for creating SPAs and other application types.

In this article, we’ll take a look at image breakpoints, their use-cases and throughout a hands-on example; we’ll implement them in an Angular application using Angular’s own BreakPoint Observer. While using this approach, we’ll also highlight why this popular framework helps us work with the aforementioned techniques in a seamless way.

Kallyas Template
Monday, 02 January 2018 by

An Introduction To WebBluetooth

As web developers, we are often required to create applications that are responsive as well as media-rich. Having such requirements in place means that we need to work with image breakpoints, as well as media queries since we want to provide the best experience to the end users. Adding to the list of requirements we may need to use a front-end framework such as Angular which is great for creating SPAs and other application types.

In this article, we’ll take a look at image breakpoints, their use-cases and throughout a hands-on example; we’ll implement them in an Angular application using Angular’s own BreakPoint Observer. While using this approach, we’ll also highlight why this popular framework helps us work with the aforementioned techniques in a seamless way.





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